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Extension A: Indigenous Artist Research and Presentation

  1. Choose a song by an Indigenous artist of your choice.
  2. Research and present to the class about the artist’s background, inspiration, and elaborate on the issues they talk about in their music.
  3. Does this artist fit the definition of an “activist?” How so?

Extension B: Indigenous Activism 

Not only is music a space to use our voice in powerful ways, but advocating for change is another space in which Indigenous peoples around the country are using their voice to advocate for change. 

Indigenous activists around the country engage in activism regarding pipelines and resource development, land rights, language rights and more. 

For example, Tristen Durocher, a Métis youth who you will see play the fiddle in Module 6, also uses his voice to advocate for systemic change. 

Tristen Durocher's - 'Walking with our Angels' Documentary. Watch from approximately 4:14 - 8:29.
Tristen Durocher - Walking with our Angels (Documentary)

Tristen Durocher completed his 44 day fast on Sunday. We were beyond honored to be able to go visit him on day 12. This is history in the making. For so long we've let the people in charge make decisions without our involvement. Tristan is showing us all that it doesn't have to stay that way. Thing CAN change and to be honest what choice do we have. How can we live our lives knowing there are people losing theirs. A new energy is arising on this planet. An energy focused on change and moving out the old. Thank you Tristan for taking this massive step forward. It's now up to the rest of us to keep this going. Walking With Our Angels Sheryl Kimbley Shayne Lazarowich

Posted by The Get Up Sk on Wednesday, September 16, 2020
  1. How is Tristen using his voice in a powerful way? 
  2. Choose an Indigenous activist to research and present to the class about the activist's background, issues that inspire them to take action, and impact.