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Curriculum mapping


Arts Education

Grade 7

  • CP7.7 (Creative/Productive):  Investigate improvisation using the voice, instruments, and a wide variety of sound sources from the natural and constructed environment.
  • CP7.8 (Creative/Productive):  Investigate and manipulate elements of music and principles of composition including tension and resolution.
  • CR7.1 (Critical/Responsive):  Respond to professional dance, drama, music, and visual art works using analysis, personal interpretation, and research.
  • CR7.2 (Critical/Responsive):  Investigate and identify ways that the arts can communicate a sense of place.

Grade 8

  • CP8.8 (Creative/Productive):  Investigate and make choices about musical structures in sound composition
  • CP8.9 (Creative/Productive):  Compose sound compositions in response to social issues (e.g., poverty, racism, homophobia, sustainability, gangs).
  • CR8.2 (Critical/Responsive):  Investigate and identify ways that today's arts expressions often reflect concern for social issues.
  • CH8.2 (Cultural/Historical):  Analyze the influence of social issues on the work of contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit artists, and share results.
  • CH8.3 (Cultural/Historical):  Demonstrate understanding of how contemporary artists use and incorporate new technology into their work.

Grade 9

  • CP9.6 (Creative/Productive):  Express perspectives and raise awareness about a topic of concern to youth in a collective creation.
  • CP9.7 (Creative/Productive):  Use voice, instruments, and technologies to express musical ideas.
  • CP9.9 (Creative/Productive):   Compose and perform sound compositions to express perspectives and raise awareness about a topic of concern to youth.
  • CR9.3 (Critical/Responsive):  Investigate and identify how arts expressions can challenge thinking about values, ideas, and beliefs.
  • CH9.3 (Cultural/Historical): Investigate diversity of artistic ideas, styles, and media in contemporary arts expressions.
  • CH9.4 (Cultural/Historical):  Create interdisciplinary arts expressions individually or through collaboration with peers, and examine the work of artists who create interdisciplinary expressions (e.g., sound and poetry, performance art, audio visual installations).

Grade 10

  • CP10.1 (Creative/Productive):  Investigate creative processes for producing arts expressions.
  • CP10.3 (Creative/Productive):  Experiment with ways of communicating ideas to others, creatively through the arts.
  • CH10.1(Cultural/Historical):  Investigate how the arts can challenge, reinforce or draw attention to ideas, values and/or beliefs.
  • CR10.1(Critical Responsive):  Examine various creative processes and ways of thinking.

Grade 11

  • CP20.1 (Creative/Productive):  Apply creative processes for producing arts expressions within a local context.
  • CP20.2 (Creative/Productive):  Design and produce, individually or collaboratively, a multidisciplinary arts expression.

Grade 12

  • CP30.1 (Creative/Productive):  Create original work in selected arts disciplines, individually and/or collaboratively.
  • CP30.2 (Creative/Productive):  Produce and present to an audience, an individually or collaboratively created multidisciplinary arts expression.
  • CH30.1 (Cultural/Historical):  Create an arts expression to challenge, reinforce or draw attention to ideas or societal norms.
English Language Arts

Grade 7

  • CR7.1 (Comprehend and Respond):  View, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of texts that address identity (e.g., Thinking for Oneself), social responsibility (e.g., Participating and Giving Our Personal Best), and efficacy (e.g., Doing Our Part for Planet Earth).
  • CR7.4 (Comprehend and Respond):   View and demonstrate comprehension and interpretation of visual and multimedia texts with specific features (e.g., circle graphs) and complex ideas including the visual components of media such as magazines, newspapers, websites, reference books, graphic novels, broadcast media, videos, and promotional materials.
  • CR7.7(Comprehend and Respond):  Read independently and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of specialized information texts including non-fiction books, grade-level instructional materials, articles, reports, reference materials, instructions, advertising and promotional materials, and websites.
  • CC7.1 (Compose and Create): Create various visual, oral, written, and multimedia (including digital) texts that explore identity (e.g., Exploring Thoughts, Feelings, and Ideas), social responsibility (e.g., Taking Action), and efficacy (e.g., Building a Better World
  • CC7.8(Compose and Create):  Write to describe a person; to narrate an imaginary incident or story; to explain and inform in a news story, a factual account, and a business letter; to persuade in a letter and in interpretation of a text.
  • CC7.9 (Compose and Create):   Experiment with a variety of text forms (e.g., meeting, presentation to adults, descriptive poem, opinion piece, a review, front page of a newspaper, short script) and techniques (e.g., dialogue, figurative language).

Grade 8

  • CR8.1(Comprehend and Respond):  View, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of texts that address identity (e.g., Becoming Myself), social responsibility (e.g., In Search of Justice), and efficacy (e.g., Building a Better World).
  • CR8.5 (Comprehend and Respond):  Listen critically to understand, gather information, follow directions, form an opinion, and analyze oral presentations for diverse opinions, presenter's point of view, values, and biases, stereotypes, or prejudices.
  • CC8.1(Compose and Create):  Create various visual, oral, written, and multimedia (including digital) texts that explore identity (e.g., Telling One's Life Story), social responsibility (e.g., Examining the Influence of Popular Culture), and efficacy (e.g., Creating Turning Points)

Grade 9

  • CP9.6 (Creative/Productive):  Express perspectives and raise awareness about a topic of concern to youth in a collective creation.
  • CP9.7 (Creative/Productive):  Use voice, instruments, and technologies to express musical ideas.
  • CP9.9 (Creative/Productive):   Compose and perform sound compositions to express perspectives and raise awareness about a topic of concern to youth.
  • CR9.3 (Critical/Responsive):  Investigate and identify how arts expressions can challenge thinking about values, ideas, and beliefs.
  • CH9.3 (Cultural/Historical): Investigate diversity of artistic ideas, styles, and media in contemporary arts expressions.
  • CH9.4 (Cultural/Historical):  Create interdisciplinary arts expressions individually or through collaboration with peers, and examine the work of artists who create interdisciplinary expressions (e.g., sound and poetry, performance art, audio visual installations).

Grade 10

  • CR10.1(Comprehend and Respond):  Comprehend and respond to a variety of visual, oral, print, and multimedia texts that address: identity (e.g., Foundational Stories); social responsibility (e.g., Destiny and Challenges of Life); and social action (agency) (e.g., Human Existence).
  • CR10.4 (Comprehend and Respond):   Read, interpret, and draw conclusions about the ideas, information, concepts, and themes presented in a variety of literary (including poems, plays, essays, short stories, novels) and informational (including magazines, newspapers, and on-line information) texts.
  • CC10.1 (Compose and Create):  Compose and create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore: identity (e.g., Foundational Stories); social responsibility (e.g., Destiny and Challenges of Life); and social action (agency) (e.g., Human Existence).

Grade 11

  • CR 20.1(Comprehend and Respond):  View, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of grade-appropriate First Nations, Métis, Saskatchewan, Canadian, and international texts that address: identity (e.g., Relationships with Family and Others); social responsibility (e.g., Evolving Roles and Responsibilities); and social action (agency) (e.g., The Past and the Present).
  • CR 20.4 (Comprehend and Respond):   Read and demonstrate comprehension and appreciation of grade-appropriate informational (including instructions and procedural texts) and literary (including fiction, nonfiction, script, poetry, and essays) First Nations, Métis, Saskatchewan, Canadian, and international texts.
  • CC 20.1 (Compose and Create):  Create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts to explore: identity (e.g., Relationships with Family and Others); social responsibility (e.g., Evolving Roles and Responsibilities); and social action (agency) (e.g., The Past and the Present).

Grade 12

  • CR 30.4 (Comprehend and Respond):   Read, demonstrate comprehension of, and apply knowledge from grade-appropriate informational (including editorials, reviews, and articles) and literary (including fiction, script, poetry, and non-fiction) texts from First Nations, Métis, Saskatchewan, and Canadian authors as a basis for understanding self and the multiplicity of voices and perspectives that make up Canadian culture.
Social Studies

Grade 9

  • IN9.2 (Interactions and Interdependence):  Compare the factors that shape worldviews in a society, including time and place, culture, language, religion, gender identity, socio-economic situation, and education.
Creative Writing

Grade 11

  • CW20.9 Explore and share findings on a topic, issue or question related to concepts addressed in Creative Writing 20.
Media Studies

Grade 11

  • MS20.9 Explore and share findings on a topic, issue or question related to concepts addressed in Media Studies 20.
Practical Applied Arts

Grades 7-12

Career and Work Exploration

  • CWEX1:  Investigate the career/life development process.
  • CWEX4:  Types of Work
  • CWEX8:  Career Pathways

Communication Media

  • CMEDO01:  Communication Through Media